ARRL Sweepstakes SSB 2022 - Indoor Antennas, QRP

Don't let anyone tell you your station isn't up to snuff!I got it into my head on Friday night that ARRL Sweepstakes SSB 2022 would be a good plan. After adding it to my calendar, it was simple enough to move my indoor EFHW radiators from my bedroom to the living room to see how they would work. (The 15 and 10 m radiators have served me previously in CQP and AZQP this year.) Saturday morning/early afternoon was my time to re-string the wires, re-tune the wires, and get another one up for 20 m as well (a key decision). Three radiators (20m, 10m, 15m respectively) attached to the wall with a combination of Scotch tape and nails/binder clips. Note the step-up transformer and coax draped across the lampshade, connected with WAGO 221 lever splice (great things). Local time in CST.